Women’s right to health: International Working Women's Day Special

This week
In this thematic edition of People's Health Dispatch, we look at the actions undertaken around the world on occasion of International Working Women's Day. The health of women is strongly intertwined with other aspects of their lives. Adsa Fatima from Sama - Resource Group for Women and Health shares more on such linkages in a video produced through the Salut, Drets, Acció process.
Data speaks brings more on the intersectionality of gender, health, and other aspects of women’s lives.
A new pension reform in France will have a disproportionate impact on women in comparison to men, including on their health. Feminist and health groups observed a two-day general strike on March 7 - 8, coordinated by the trade union movement. The joint protests show the determination of the people in France for a stronger and fairer social security system instead of another round of austerity measures.
For a long time, the women of Latin America have been an inspiration for feminist movements around the world. The People’s Health Movement (PHM) produced a video report on past protests in Argentina, which is to be followed by a report on this year’s mobilization. In Uruguay, women took to the streets once again to fight for equity and justice. The feminist movement in Uruguay had previously won important victories in the field of sexual and reproductive health rights.
Intro video: Gender and health
Adsa Fatima, a member of the Sama Resource Group for Women and Health, introduces us to the intersections between gender and health
Featured articles
Women’s rights at the heart of the fight over pensions in France
This year’s International Working Women’s Day in France holds special significance because of a nation-wide call by trade unions and people’s movements to bring the country to a standstill from March 7

International Working Women’s Day in Uruguay is the culmination of decades of mobilization
Feminist collectives in Uruguay held another day of action on March 8, building on decades of mobilization for women’s rights in the country

Video: Argentina marches to demand women's rights
Every year, feminists and women activists of Argentina march in big numbers to demand equal rights, to demand women friendly laws and policies. Their struggles and campaigns have borne fruits. A united struggle led to the change in abortion laws, making abortions safer and accessible
Data speaks

March 8 around the world

In case you missed it